27.03. 19 Uhr Brachiosaurs Church Part 1

A drawing workshop by Pietro Simcic & Bianca Maria Fasiolo

„Brachiosaurs Church goes online!“ is a drawing workshop based on the methodologies of collage and cut-up which aims to the design of a graphic art project. Through still life exercises, improvisation techniques, and time-based drawings we will learn how to develop a series of graphic products that will eventually be printed on paper and fabric using the screen printing laboratory at Vètomat.

The workshop is open to everyone interested in sharing ideas and abilities in a context of playful collaboration, where concepts such as artwork and artist can melt into a spontaneous collective experience.
No drawing skills required! Entry is free. Participation is donation based.

If you are interested in taking part, please write to:
fasiolobiancamaria@gmail.com or simply drop by!